Friday, May 15, 2009


"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." ~~John Muir

You enter Yosemite National Park and this is what you see. It only gets better from here!

A sweet little deer in the park.

A beautiful Stellar Jay.

The more you look at, the prettier it gets!

On the drive up to Glacier Point, there was still LOTS of snow on the ground.


Stunning views of Half Dome from Glacier Point.

These are just different views of Yosemite Falls from Glacier Point.  If you move around up there, you get a totally different view of it.  All spectacular!

This is the same waterfall, but this photo was  taken from down below.

It was nice to see kids in the park hiking - rather than sitting in front of the TV!

The peaceful and serene Yosemite Valley.

This is what's known as "El Capitan". It is thought to be the world's largest single chunk of exposed granite. It is a favorite among rock climbers. I was going to climb it, but I ran out of time in the park!

There is an old cemetery in Yosemite. Most of the graves are from the 1800's.

Very pretty spring flowers everywhere!

I saved the best for last. THE WATERFALLS. All of them in the park were raging. They all have names, but I have forgotten which is which.