Monday, May 18, 2009


On the drive up to Muir Woods, you go through this thick fog. But, once you get there - it's all cleared out.

This little chipmunk greeted me at the entrance of Muir Woods.

I spotted this Pileated Woodpecker and quickly took its picture.

John Muir knew what he was doing when he made sure these beautiful places were preserved.  This is one of my favorite places to visit.

These are some photos of the "baby" redwoods that grow out of the base of the giants.

Little sprouts.

This place is so peaceful and serene!

You don't realize how big they are until you stand next to them, or look up at them.  Their beauty is just beyond description.

Some have holes so big in the base that a human being could fit inside of it.  This looks like a Hobbit dwelling!

Oh, yes, I am enjoying this day.  How could I not be?

Also in the woods are many varieties of ferns, beautiful flowers and even some mushrooms! 

Muir Woods is probably my favorite place.  And, as spectacular as it was, the best part of this day was spending it with my two brothers and sisters-in-law. They are on the west coast and I am on the east coast, so we rarely all get together. It was a highlight of my trip!