Saturday, May 2, 2009


Not something you see every day (at least not where I live) - two dogs standing on a house.

Most of today was spent in and around Albuquerque. I visited the Santo Domingo Pueblo Reservation. It's hard to explain what a different way of life they have. Photographs or any other kinds of recordings are strictly prohibited on the reservation, so the only pictures I have are the ones in my head. The best I could do was the sign going into the reservation.

After that, I went to the Petroglyph National Monument. It's very unique to see these drawings on the rocks, considering some are 3,000 years old.  Unfortunately, people (or should I say idiots?!) come out here and put graffiti on these ancient rocks.  It's sometimes hard to tell what's real and what's not.

Personally, I think this one looks like a cross between Mr. Bill and Bart Simpson!

I don't know how these pretty flowers grow in this dirt!!

The weather became very ominous, so, not wanting to be struck by lightening, I left the Petroglyph National Monument.

The rest of the day was spent walking around Old Town Albuquerque.  Lots of shops with Indian jewelry and crafts - very nice area.

This was a really nice shop and we loved the shop owner!  He had cool stuff!

A pretty little stairwell.

Downtown Albuquerque was much bigger than I had expected.  It was raining a little, so I didn't get to get out and see as much as I would have liked to.  I love all the Route 66 signs.

Pretty rainbow.